

The best way to get support is through our Discord server. You'll be able to get in touch directly with the developers, find helpful users like yourself, report bugs, request new features, and just chat about RoundOne. See you there!

 Join our Discord

Streaming Guide

If you need help setting up stream overlays, check out our streaming guide. It covers everything from using stations and streams in RoundOne, to setting up your streaming software.

 Streaming Guide


If you play in a ranked tournament, every match you play affects your skill score. The skill of the player you play against is taken into account, and your skill score can increase or decrease each time you play.

 How rankings work

API Documentation

RoundOne has a full-featured API. This allows you to authorize other applications to use your account, or to develop your own applications that use our API. If you're a developer, read the documentation to get started!

 API Documentation